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Are you starting to think it is a good idea to return to college for a degree that will lead to a career in the health industry? Unfortunately, by the time you graduate, all those "cost cutting" healthcare reform plans are likely to translate into drastic reductions in employment opportunities. Rather than go into debt by taking on student loans, you might as well spend you time becoming an affiliate marketer and mommy blogger.
Step 1: Pick an Evocative Parenting Topic
If you do some research, you will find a number of mommy blogs that cover popular parenting topics. For example, there are dozens dedicated to potty training, instilling good homework habits, and developmental stages. On the other hand, parenting today has evolved into subjects that often involve law, medicine, and individual rights. Since these issues are rapidly reaching a critical level of importance, you can create a blog that will help fill the informational gap. Aside from making it easier to draw traffic to your blog, you will also have a better chance of maintaining a steady readership.
Step 2: Match Your Subject Up With Products That You Use
Consider a situation where you have a child that suffers from diabetes, ADD, obesity, or high blood pressure. Chances are, you would love to have the freedom to find natural solutions that will reduce the number of side effects associated with conventional therapies. Have you found something that works? Are you experimenting with alternative healing modalities? If so, you've got the perfect opportunity to start a mommy blog dedicated to this subject. At the same time, you can easily discuss products and information resources that have enabled your child to reach a therapeutic goal.
Step 3: Secure Links to Companies Looking for Affiliate Marketers
When it comes to selecting affiliate products, you have two options. First, you can look for companies that sell items you have used. If they have an affiliate program, registering for an access code may be as simple as filing out a short application. Ideally, it will be of some help to secure an employer ID number. This will help protect your social security number, and also help establish your affiliate marketing venture as a legitimate business.
You may also be more interested in random forms of affiliate marketing. In particular, you can host advertisements on your site from Google, Yahoo, MSN, and Amazon. As may be expected, you can always incorporate these advertisements into banners and locations surrounding primary blog posts. At the very least, you don't garner sales from a product mentioned in the text of the blog, you may still get some money from advertisements hosted on the page.
Step 4: Get Hosting for Your Blog
Once you find an inspiring topic and matching products, it is time to find hosting for your new site. There are a number of free resources that will give you all of the necessary tools. As a general rule of thumb, you should start with one of these three hosts before purchasing hosting service that will give you access to Wordpress (their free service does not allow affiliate marketing links or advertisements) and other advanced platforms.
• Blogspot.com - This platform is ideal if you are looking to create a simple and attractive blog. The dashboard has drag/drop simplicity and plenty of affiliate marketing widgets.
• MySpace - Although MySpace is a social networking site, it features a robust blogging platform. Aside from gaining a good search engine ranking, you can easily draw the attention of other MySpace users that are interested in the subject of your blog.
• Ning - This is another social networking site that gives you unlimited opportunities to build a thriving community around just about any topic. Once you start attracting readers, they can join your network, build groups, and create their own blogs. In fact, if you have a large enough following, you can easily collect a commission from each person that wants to set up special features on your network.
Even though a college education is important, it only creates a potential future, not an actual one. As a parent, chasing rainbows is not an option if you want to protect your home and your finances. Before you decide to return to college and start taking on student loan debt, you should at least give mommy blogging a try.
[BMOI] Learn how to make money blogging today. Visit Brian's website, www.HomebasedBlogging.com and learn how you can make money online from blogging using social media, affiliate marketing, podcasting, article marketing, and many other money-making topics from blogging professionals.