Are You Earning Every Month

Hi Everyone,

So how is your "Online Dream" coming? Are you living the dream yet? How much money have you spent so far chasing the dream.

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Need I go on with the list...  Well I was introducted to BannersBroker about a month ago. Like everything online i'm a little bit apprehensive about it. I was introduced to it by a friend that I have worked online with for a number of years. So I have trust in him.

BannersBroker is free to signup, so I signed up. I will admit it's a little bit confusing, but there is a Skype support group, and a brilliant collection of video tutorials and even a forum.

Here is why I even considered looking at the system.

I need to have a solid monthly income coming in, one that will allow me to provide the means to promote my business, give my family the yearly holiday and to have a bit more of a disposable income.

I will admit just now i'm a little bit lucky in the fact that I don't actually need to work. Thats not because I have loads of money, it's because i'm a Type 1 Diabetic, ex Army Medical Discharge. With the discharge I got an army pension. I also have the joy of my daughter being a Type 1 Diabetic as well. Not really fair is it. She won't enjoy the freedon that the army gave me, being a parent that is my job to give her that.

Check out this video for more information. I will be keeping this blog updated with how i'm doing, the income i generate and the traffic techniques used.

Banners Broker Introduction

You can add me to :

Skype : jamesreilly273

James Reilly