Every marketer wants to spread his advertising network. Advertisers see it as a golden opportunity if his advertising network grows with little or no expenditure. In case of banner advertising, advertiser spends in two ways. First he spends money for designing banner-ad and then his expenditure goes more when he advertises his banner on sites of others.
A free banner exchange program is set up among advertisers to exchange banners of each other. The advantage is you do not need to spend money for this. All you need is to have a free space on your own web pages.
Mainly there are some standard sizes for free banner exchange programs. Before you exchange your ad with other websites of advertisers, you need to know what spaces he is offering you. Do any of the banner spaces fit to your banner size? Get the information from the advertiser what are his available advertisement sizes.
There are few limitations in free banner exchange programs. The problems that you may face with free banner exchange are:
There are not too many websites on web that will accept your free banner exchange proposal. As a result you have to link banners with limited number of websites.
For every banner ad traffic exchange you have to place one banner in your website. If you tie up with ten advertisers, you have to place ten banners of them on your own website. That will occupy lot of webpage spaces on your own website.
Lack of knowledge about websites of other advertisers may give your banner little exposure. If the advertiser puts your banner in a spam site, hate site and any other site where visitors are not your target audience, you may not get right kind traffic from free banner exposure program.
Despite the odds in banner exchange advertising network, there are many advertisers who adopt it in their business. Those businessmen who have a really less budget, they can rely on free online ad exchange programs. There are websites on internet where you have to make an account for promoting your banner ad for free on web. Since you are not investing any money there is absolutely no problem to take risk in free banner sharing program.
Stephen is an experienced graphics designer and entrepreneur. He has been doing websites, graphics and blogs for a decade. He has a huge portfolio of designs showcased at http://www.ecoverexpert.com/portfolio.htm
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