Okay, I'm old. I admit it. I remember a time when banners were really cool. They came out and everybody was clicking on these things like crazy. There were some sites where you couldn't afford to pay for a banner ad unless you were Donald Trump. Oh how I long for those days. Unfortunately, those days are long gone. People are, for the most part, immune to those shiny things and the click-through rates have gone into the toilet. However, they don't have to stay in the toilet. There are ways to get people to click on your banners again. You just have to be a little creative.
The first thing you have to do is get away from your standard square or rectangle banner. These are so dull that they just fall flat regardless of what you put on them. You need to start coming up with shapes and sizes that are a little different. Naturally, this will require some fancy design. If you can't do this yourself, then hire somebody who can do the job for you. If they're a specialist in the area of banners (they do exist) they'll have some great shapes and sizes that will certainly catch your eye.
The next thing you have to do is start thinking outside the box when it comes to the wording you put on your banner. I'm not suggesting that you go the route of obnoxiousness and insult everybody, but be a little different. A banner with the headline "Make Money Online TODAY" is going to get you more yawns than a 1902 silent film, unless of course you're a silent film buff. My suggestion is to take a page from the top copywriters of our time. Look at some of the great headlines that have produced massive sales over the years. Use them as inspiration. Modify them to fit your business. Finally, come up with a color scheme for your banner that isn't the same old, same old. Put a big bulls-eye in the middle of it with red all around. Make it as outrageous as you can. Attracting attention, which is the hardest thing to do today, is the key. Once you've done that, getting them to click on your banner will then come down to your message.
Yes, banner advertising is a real challenge today. But with a little thought and tossing out the fear of being silly, or even downright stupid, you CAN come up with a banner that says "Click Me!"
To YOUR Success,
Steven Wagenheim
Tired of busting your behind for peanuts online? Go to my web site and find out how I earn a monthly income that exceeds 5 figures and how I can help YOU do the same. Get your free report at http://www.mysecretarticles.com/report.html
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