Free Banner Exchange - Why Use Them?

Back in the old days, you know when WordPress did not run every single site you visit and there was this search engine with a dog that everyone used, people used free banner exchanges. They worked on the principle that everyone displayed banners on their sites to other relevant sites in the network, and people would click through to view the site.  Each banner you showed on your site would also get you free impressions to keep the whole banner network ticking along.

They worked.

Then along came Google.  They convinced us that throwing money at their AdWords pay per click ad system was far more effective.  It spawned a whole load of clones, such as adbrite, and before you knew it, people claimed banner exchanges were dead.

Funnily enough, the only people who got rich through contextual PPC advertising was Google....

In these tough economic times I think it is time we re-evaluated the worth of the good old banner exchange.  They are free to use, you can reach into sites and areas you never could on your own, and there are loads of banner exchanges out there you can join.

Clickthrough rates to your site might not be earth shattering, perhaps 5 a day for a good banner, per network you join.  But if you join three, and say get 10 clicks a day, that's 280 click onto your site a month - free!  How much would it cost you to get 280 clicks from an AdWords PPC campaign?

Perhaps now you can begin to see why the good old banner exchange is making a comeback.  Free to use, great to experiment with, visual and, well fun! Google has already taken over search, ppc advertising, and is already buying into the web browser market.  Next year they will be launching an operating system to go alongside their new mobile phones and android operating system.

Can you see where this is going?  They have spent ten years destroying Microsoft, with our support, and now are in a position to, yes you guessed it, become the new Microsoft!

It's a small rebellion, but perhaps using a free banner exchange might just be your first small part in the fightback against corporate domination of the internet? And if you don't subscribe to that idea, well you can always just look at it as free traffic for your site!

Wham Banners - is a free banner exchange that gives you 6000 free impressions on creating your free account!

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