How To Make A Free Banner

Is it possible to create your own banner? Actually, it is much easier than you may think once you understand how. Did you know that the only thing you need to do to create your own banner is to find, edit, and resize a photo to the way that you want it to look, convert it into an html code, and link it to a site, such as an affiliate site?

There are many free photo editors out there that can do so much more than you would think. If you are like me, the problem that you have had is that you didn't know how to do this. After all, there is a lot of software out there and so much confusion!

"There is an amazing product that is out there right before your very eyes, that you are seeing every day and perhaps using yourself, that can turn a photo into a banner with nothing more than a copy and a paste!"

One of the trends that I have noticed is how just a few short years ago, everything on the internet was so expensive, but now, just a few short years later, you can get all of those same things for free!

Five things to know about how to make a free banner:

1. You must have an image that you want your banner to be.

2. You must have photo editing software and know how to edit photos.

3. You must know how to convert that image into an html code.

4. You must be able to link that image to the website you want it directed to.

5. You must be able to copy and paste the html code into the blog or website.

There are marketers out there who are buying and selling logos, banners and headers for three hundred dollars a piece and more! All of this when they may not even realize that they can make a free banner themselves! It is so much easier than you may think!

We have all been there at one time or another - trying to figure out how to get that perfect header, banner, or logo. But the point is, you can make them yourself if you know where to look and how to do it. You may think it is complicated, but I can assure you, it is very, very simple!

Remember that the first thing that you need to do is find that perfect image. Is this for an affiliate program that you are promoting? If so, can you find that image on the affiliate website? Did you know that there are tons of free photos in Google? All you have to do is type in the search word and then click "images" at the top! Whoa! Trust me - this is a smorgasbord!

The next thing that you need to do is find some free photo editing software. You can Google the term "free photo editing software," and you will find many fantastic software programs out there that will work wonders. Really, as long as it will crop and size, then you are one your way.

Next, you need to place that image in an html converter. In other words, something that will translate that photo into an html code. Did you realize that there is free software out there that can do exactly that? Kompozer is a great free html converter, but so is WordPress! Yes, this is the big secret! WordPress can make banner for you!

But you also need to be able to link that photo to a website. Again, there are great free software programs out there that can accomplish this, such as Kompozer and WordPress. Any program that will convert an image into an html code can probably link that photo as well.

Once you have done all of that, you only need to copy the html code and place it on your website or blog and you are done! This is so unbelievably easy! Yet so overlooked because many people don't realize that this can be done.

It amazes me how much free software there is out there that does so many great things. If a person is educated on this and other topics like it, hundreds or thousands of dollars can be saved. People tend to think that all of this is too technical, and actually, just a few short years ago, that would have been the case. But today, with all of the great free software out there, how to make a free banner and other similar problems are no longer problems, but a distant memory of the past.

Deborah Landry, creator of many websites, blogs and videos, invites you to join her list at Network Redirect and receive over 4 hours of instructional videos that you can have for free! Get the education that you need to keep from making costly mistakes at:

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